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Description: SecuStore enables you to safely store sensitve data like pins, credit card numbers and varius passwords on your palm pre or pixi. It allows you to organize your data into sets that are encrypted and stored indiviually and that can each be accessed with a single master password.

SecuStore uses the blowfish cipher in combination with the sha-256 hash algorithm to store your data in a secure fashion.

It also offers various features that will help you enormously to manage and maintain your data:

SecuStore is now supported by Save/Restore from webOS internals which makes for a very easy backup procedure. Check out Save/Restore via Preware!

SecuStore is yet in development which means that it is still lacking some functions that will be included in the final release. You are welcome (and encouraged!) to give suggestions or report bugs which you can do in the dedicated forum.

Note: This beta version will expire on September 1st 2010. After that it can only be used for viewing existing data. The full version of SecuStore is now available in the app catalog. There is also a lite version for free.


Version 0.9.14:

Version 0.9.13:

Version 0.9.12:
General refactoring for compability with desktop client:

Version 0.9.11:

Version 0.9.10:

Version 0.9.9:

Version 0.9.8:

Version 0.9.7:

Version 0.9.6:

Version 0.9.5:

Version 0.9.4

Version 0.9.3

Version 0.9.2

Version 0.9.1

Version 0.9.0


Click to rate!


Seller: Maggun


Category: Productivity

Updated: July 30, 2010

Version: 0.9.14

Size: 430k

License: Closed Source

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
