Love shopping? Try Love Voucher App. It is your perfect shopping companion. With Love Voucher App Shopping just got better!
Find the latest deals, offers and vouchers from the merchants you love to shop with, right from your favorite WebOS device. Compare prices, locate shops, location maps, contact details all in one place.
Now with powerful product search, enjoy the latest deals and offers from Highe Street Retailers, Pharmacies, Restaurants, Hotels, Supermarkets and many other merchants from your favorite WebOS phone and Tablet.
Some of our featured merchants
- Marks and Spencer
- Waitrose
- Argos
- Banana Republic
- Burton
- Boots
- Superdrug
- Body Shop
Use Love Voucher App to find the best deal for the product you are looking for quickly without having to try out different apps or website for each merchant.
You can complete the purchase or reservation right from your WebOS device as we have done all the hard work of integrating with the merchant for you !
If you find this app useful, please write a review and spread the word, let us know what features you like to be improved the most, which merchants you like to be on-boarded.
NOTE: At the moment we only support UK merchants. We have plans to expand to other countries. Thank you for your patience.
NOTE: Version 2.9.3 uses custom fonts for arrow symbols. Since WebOS does not support custom fonts, they will not be displayed. Unfortunately I have to use custom fronts as they are supported in other platforms. This will result in a minor cosmetic issues but does not hamper functionality.
Click to rate!Information
Seller: roshang
Category: Lifestyle
Updated: May 4, 2015
Version: 2.9.3
Size: 3M
License: Closed Source
Type: Application
Feed: PreCentral