Rock em, sock em, knock em out!
FKO - First Knock Out!
It is your first time, but it will not be your last!
Coming to you from Nacho Fries
Boxing, action, and, blood, sweat, and tears in the palm of your your hand, fight til the end, and fight again.
Still in early development, but here for your enjoyment, and testing ;)
Swipe left, swipe right, swipe up and swipe down, to knock out your opponent(s).
Appreciate all feedback, suggestions, donations, and congratulations.
First Knock out, second rock out!
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Seller: Nacho Fries
Homepage: http://www.webosnation.com/fko-first-knock-out
Category: Games
Updated: February 9, 2010
Version: 0.3.0
Size: 255k
License: Closed Source
Type: Application
Feed: PreCentral