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Calc12CS Screenshot 0


This update 0.24.0

Another change to orientation with webOS 3.0.5.  DO NOT update unless you have updated webOS to 3.0.5

0.22.0 Corrects orientation problem introduced on the TP by 3.0.4

This is a development of Calc12C, and is a financial/statistical/scientific/programmable calculator.

Works on Pixi Pre 1,2,3 & TouchPad

I have decided to make it a different program because of the need to move away from the way that the 12C did some things. This will give those that want to stick with the old format the way of doing that. The 12C used all of the [f] options of the numeric keys to select the number of decimal points. In order to recover all of those to use for other things I have implemented [f][FIX] 0..9, as the decimal point selection.

The Javascript engine is copyright Elvis Pfützenreuter (website - and is used with permission.

You can find a manual for the HP12C here.

Current scientific additions. ( f key prefix )

SCI - Set the display to scientific exponential notation, where the numeric value is adjusted to be less than 10 and exponent adjusted accordingly and the number of decimal places is set to entered digit. [f][SCI] 0..9

ENG - Set the display to engineering exponential notation, where the numeric value is adjusted to be less than 1,000 and exponent adjusted to the required multiple of three and the number of decimal places is set to entered digit. [f][ENG] 0..9

FIX - set number of decimal places to entered digit. [f][FIX] 0..9

10^x - 10 to the power of x.

LOG - Log (base 10) of x.

D/R/G - set the units of angles successively to degrees, radians and grads. DEG/RAD/GRD shown in status line.

SIN, COS ,TAN - trig. functions sine, cosine and tangent

SIN-1, COS-1, TAN-1 - inverse trig. functions arcsine, arccosine and arctangent.

PI - returns the constant Pi

->R - convert the vector defined by an angle in the y-register and magnitude in the x-register to the corresponding X and Y coordinates.

->P - convert the X and Y coordinates in the corresponding registers to the corresponding polar coordinates. (angle in the y-register and magnitude in the x-register)

->H.MS - The value in the x-register is interpretted as a number of hours and is converted to hours minutes and seconds, where the whole number is hours, the next 2 digits are minutes, the next 2 digits are seconds and the remaining digits are decimal parts of a second.

->HRS - The value in the x-register is interpretted as H.MMSSsss, where the whole number is hours, next 2 digits minutes, next two digits seconds and the remainder of the digits are decimal parts of a seconds, and the x value is converted to decimal hours. Note: ->HRS & ->H.MS can obviously be applied to angular degrees. eg Latitude and Longitude.

Feedback is selectable between 'vibrate', 'click', 'both' and 'none' by a tap on the display area. Icons corresponding to the selection are shown just to the right of the display.  Vibrate not available on TouchPad.

Works in Exhibition Mode.


Click to rate!


Seller: johncc


Category: Productivity

Updated: February 2, 2012

Version: 0.24.0

Size: 168k

License: Other

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
