This program adds several features to the email application, including:
- Flagged emails:
quickly view emails from flagged addresses
- Auto Bcc:
automatically send a blind carbon copy of all emails you send
- Keyword emails:
automatically capture emails with specific keywords
- Contact emails:
automatically capture emails from contacts
- Calendar add: quickly
add emails to your calendar
- Unread emails calendar: quickly
determine the number of unread messages by day
- Email Vault:save emails for
quick reference in the future
- Email roll: quickly
scroll through all emails by sender
- Email list: create a list
of recipients
- Text message alert:
notify email recipient via text message when you send them an email
- Modified autoscan to reschedule after reaching maximum retries instead of canceling.
- Quick link for purchase of ACE activation app
- Autoscan options: added options to allow one to determine frequency of autoscans.
- Scanning: added more control of manual scans that take a lot of time
- Registration: added ability to activate
- Autoscan: allows you to set EC to automatically scan for messages
- Email Vault: save emails for quick reference
Click to rate!Information
Seller: ccdoss
Category: Productivity
Updated: June 15, 2010
Version: 1.0.5
Size: 4M
License: Closed Source
Type: Application
Feed: PreCentral