This is a conversion program for units and some numeric conversions.
Initially the unit conversions supported is a short list of common ones, which I plan to grow over time.
Features of the program include:
- swapping between from and to fields: units, values or both,
- dark and light color themes,
- preferences saved for color theme
- last unit selections and input value saved on exit and restored on start
- input field checked for proper unit format. Displays an inline error when invalid.
- range checks on values. Displays an inline error message if a value is out of range for the unit, ex. negative values for Kelvin.
Supported conversions:
- Area
- Distance/Length
- Mass
- Numeral Systems
- Speed
- Temperature
- Torque
- Volume
See the forum post for details of units included.
- 0.0.2 - initial release
- 0.0.3 - add Mass, Torque. Add numlock(orange key). Remove keypress filter so all key hits are visible.
More units to be added:
- Coordinates (Cartesian, Geographic, Cylindrical)
- date->doy
- kitchen units (separate category, easier to access)
- pressure, density, angle, fuel consumption, energy, power, etc
- ascii
- numerals: Eastern Arabic (Arabic-Indic)
- File and memory storage (KB MB GB TB to bytes)
- IEEE-754 Floating-Point Conversion from Floating-Point to Hexadecimal and reverse
- Decimal to fractions
- suggestions??
Functionality to be added:
- reset prefs
- save last used units for each category
- save conversions to a list
- add reference pages
- add multiconvert scene: show all conversion results simultaneously for units in a category
- International number formatting (comma vs period)
- fractional digits setting
- suggestions??
Click to rate!Information
Seller: Robert Gordon
Category: Productivity
Updated: February 9, 2010
Version: 0.0.3
Size: 16k
License: Closed Source
Type: Application
Feed: PreCentral