Von Call Forward Logo

Von Call Forward



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This application sets up the call forward for you vonage account and calls the vonage phone. This is helpful if you have a Vonage Home phone and want to call overseas using vonage plan minutes.You can add your vonage to your FAV 5 and make unlimited calls using this call forwarding function. The one draw back on sprint and verizon network at this point is once call forwarding is set sometimes you may have to disable it manually from the application as these carriers dont allow data and voice simultaneously. However it will be done automatically by the application if you are on WI-FI.

Version Log ----------- 0.1.0 - Added Favs and Call Log Functionality


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Seller: shyamalapati

Homepage: http://www.webosnation.com/von-call-forward

Category: Productivity

Updated: September 4, 2010

Version: 0.1.0

Size: 29k

License: Closed Source

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
