ÜberRadio Beta Logo

ÜberRadio Beta



ÜberRadio Beta Screenshot 0



the next generation web radio application.

Instead of presenting you with millions of stations, it allows you to add your stations on the go and presents you the list of stations in a familiar way: just in your old radio slide left/right to change the station.

Additionally, you can set a sleep and wake up time to control your new pocket radio.

A new feature is the optional Safe Alarm, which helps to prevent you from oversleeping. You need to enable this feature in the settings.

I had to change the AppID for the version in preware. The original


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Seller: MetaView

Homepage: http://www.webosnation.com/Überradio-beta

Category: Clocks And Timers

Updated: April 9, 2010

Version: 1.0.1

Size: 247k

License: Closed Source

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
