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A-Browser Qt (test)



A-Browser Qt (test) Screenshot 0


A-Browser Qt (test)

This is a tryout to evaluate if an alternate browser for WebOS is feasible and of interest.
The app is a Qt 4.8 using webkit (QWebView) for rendering.

It's about 2x faster on the sunspider JavaScript benchmark as the stock browser, which is pretty sweet.
It isn't very touch friendly as it is basically a desktop app.

The app is an almost straight port of the Qt "fancybrowser" demo.
The WebOS extension for Qt to work on WebOS are derived from https://gitorious.org/~darronb.

Developing a full-fledged browser is a hard task. I do not plan to develop this much further but would be happy to help if somebody is interested.


- !No virtual keyboard on Touchpad!

- No flash or H.264

- Pre x.
- Touchpad: not tested - may work, or not.
- No armv5 (pixi, ...)


18.02.2012 v 0.4.0
- Fixed kinetic scrolling
- Enable/disable javascript

14.02.2012 v 0.3.0
- Tabbed browsing
- Touch&Kinetic scrolling (beta)
- (Very) primitive zoom support
- Bookmarking foundations (not yet persistent)

27.01.2012 v 0.1.0
- First release


- The WebOS extension for Qt to work on WebOs is by Darron Black: https://gitorious.org/~darronb
- Qt version 4.8
- Instructions to cross-compile Qt are available at: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/HowtoQt



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Seller: droggen

Homepage: http://www.webosnation.com/a-browser-qt-test

Category: News And Internet

Updated: February 18, 2012

Version: 0.4.0

Size: 15M

License: BSD License Open Source

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
