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HP 48GX Emulator



HP 48GX Emulator Screenshot 0


HP 48GX emulator

Based on x48 revision 0.6.4

It might happen that the HP48 doesn't turn on: in this case press repeatedly the ON key, or close and relaunch the program. This is an issue of x48.

Currently there is no way to load a program from the emulator. However the data of the emulator is stored in a directory 'hp48' on the USB drive. You can also place there your own 'ram', 'port1' or 'port2' files to load some programs. For instance set-up your emulator on your PC then transfer the 'port1'. If needed you can also erase these files to clear the HP48 memory.

The state of the emulator is saved when closing the app.

Suitable for: Pre-, Pre+, Pre2, Pre3, Pixi, Veer, Touchpad

** v0.9.0 26.01.2012 **
- Layout optimized for small screens

** v0.8.0 09.01.2012 **
- First release


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Seller: droggen

Homepage: http://www.webosnation.com/hp-48gx-emulator-1

Category: Productivity

Updated: January 26, 2012

Version: 0.9.0

Size: 448k

License: GPL v2 Open Source

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
