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Beeb News



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This is an Unofficial BBC News app, created out of a need for something a little more complete than the BBC mobile website. I wanted a dedicated BBC News app similar to the NY Times one which allows one to switch news category views quickly. To quickly navigate between the different news categories, you can: 1) use the drop down menu on the upper right 2) use the navigation buttons on the bottom of the page or 3) flick the page left or right. Tapping on items displays the mobile view of the news article. You are given the option (tap on icon at bottom right of the article page) to share the article link via Clipboard copy (and paste e.g. to your Twitter client), Facebook status update or email. I have also put in some BBC news podcasts as well as the BBC World radio live stream which you can access by tapping on the podcast icon on the upper left. If you want more Podcasts, please provide me with feedback (my contact links are in the About page in the menu)


Update v 1.1.0: minor bug fixes and added 2 more podcasts.

Update v 1.5.0: major re-write of code, now with thumbnails in lists.

Update: v 1.6.0 fixed the Flick to navigate News sections

Update: v 1.6.5 standardised data format for sharing in Clipboard/Facebook/Email to "BBC News: Title: Link"; changes to the About page.

Update v 1.6.6 Whoops. Fixed a bug whereby articles fail to open. Sorry. Update v

1.6.8 Minor bug fixes, added 5 Live Football daily podcast Update v 1.6.9 Added Facebook beta to Article share.

Update v 1.7.0 Added Ashes Test Match Special Podcast as per request. Attempted bugfix to launch FB beta if FB not installed. Let me know if this does not work. Changes to the About to acknowledge the BBC.

Update v 1.7.2 Added BBC Business news feed. Fixed the launch Facebook Beta or Install prompt if Facebook not installed bug.(delete 1.7.1 if you have installed it, it has a Facebook beta launch bug)

Update v 1.7.3 : trying to restore lost thumbnails for some feeds. Partially working fix only.

Update 1.7.4 : Added Radio 4 Best of Today Podcast. Some feed thumbnails are still not working. Update 1.7.6: thumbnail images not working, temporary fix.

Update 1.8.0:
Restored all thumbnails. Added F1 Motorsport to News feed list. Added ability to save any News feed list as your default.

Update 1.8.2:
Removed Ashes Live feed, added Best of Chris Moyles feed. Added ability to change font size of news feeds and default feed in a new Preferences page .


Update 1.8.8:
Added The Archers podcast, Back gesture in Podcast view now goes back to the Default news page. In article view, you can optionally open a separate browser in mobile or fullview. 


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Seller: palmdoc%23AC


Category: News And Internet

Updated: February 2, 2011

Version: 1.8.8

Size: 80k

License: Creative Commons, No Derivatives

Type: Application

Feed: PreCentral
