RSS newsreader for Australian news including sports. Feeds are from ABC and SBS; clink links to go to orginal site pages.
Change Log
- 0.0.7 Web/site page view works for webos 2.2 also. State News now added.
- 0.0.6 NEW FEATURE - this MultiPack app now has a working webos 2.1 version. The webos 3.0.2 version for the TouchPad is rearranged to show feed buttons vertically and give more room for feeds. More feed buttons are now possible, eg State News. Removed button scroller.
- 0.0.5 The news sources can now be scrolled around so more room is provided for feeds list. On a Pre 3 you can now see the feeds but the links going to site pages do not display yet.
- 0.0.4 Original.
Click to rate!Information
Seller: PreRunr
Category: News And Internet
Updated: October 2, 2011
Version: 0.0.7
Size: 74k
License: MIT License Open Source
Type: Application
Feed: PreCentral