This package is used to bootstrap the installation of packages from the Optware feed. If you have a dedicated ext3fs partition (you need to meta-doctor your device to get one of these), it will create and use a /media/ext3fs/opt directory. If you do not have a dedicated ext3fs partition, it will create a 128MB loopback filesystem to store your optware packages. In either case, the partition is then mounted as /opt on your device, ready to use.
1.6.1: Handle an empty /var/opt directory correctly.
1.6.0: Now supports using a dedicated ext3fs partition created using the Meta-Doctor.
1.5.2: Moved loopback filesystem file to /media/cryptofs to fix USB mode.
1.5.1: Fixed prerm script.
1.5.0: Migration to new loopback mounted ext3 filesystem stored on the USB drive.
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Seller: WebOS Internals
Category: Infrastructure
Updated: July 14, 2011
Version: 1.6.1
Size: 8k
License: GPL v2 Open Source
Type: Optware
Feed: WebOS Internals