* Please note that this patch only works with default en_us locale.
* This patch conflicts with many other patches that provide the same functionality.
This patch adds the following configuration options:
- Configurable blink notification for phone, messaging and email apps.
- Configurable notification repeat for phone, messaging and email apps.
- Configurable notification vibration length for phone, messaging and email apps.
- Configurable speakerphone behavior for phone app.
- Configurable default and on call view for phone app.
- Configurable touchstone removal action for phone app.
- Configurable slider opening and closing actions for phone app.
- Configuration for handling messaging drafts.
- Per account messaging notifications settings.
- Per contact SMS ringtone configuration.
- Per contact call blocking / voicemail direction.
- Roam only option for voice roaming in phone services.
- Global state toggle for phone and location services.
- Showing of configured wifi networks even if they are out of range.
- Configurable haptic feedback in screen settings.
- Media volume changing in sound settings.
- Configurable alert and notification sound.
- Configurable low battery and charger notificaitons.
This patch also sets lowest brightness to 0 and adds more screen turn of times. Also the slider widgets in preferences are changed to show the value of the slider.
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Seller: sconix
Category: Advanced
Updated: November 29, 2010
Version: 1.4.5-108
Size: 58k
License: MIT License Open Source
Type: Patch
Feed: WebOS Patches