This combines multiple broswer patches of fritos1406 and the suggestions of chrislo. This patch will hide icons in browser, icons show while loading a web page , fullscreen browser,no refresh when not active. Includes enable/disable gesture landscape options in the app menu for the scroll feature using the gesture area in landscape, also adds shortcut keys to the launcher
Enable Gesture Scroll: Gesture+e
Disable Gesture Scroll: Gesture+d
New Card: Gesture+n
Add Bookmark: Gesture+m
Add To Launcher: Gesture+l
Bookmarks: Gesture+b
History: Gesture+h
Share Page: Gesture+s
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Seller: mamouton
Category: Browser
Updated: December 14, 2011
Version: 2.1.2-31
Size: 14k
License: MIT License Open Source
Type: Patch
Feed: WebOS Patches